How To Cook Grass-Fed Steak

Idaho Beef

Rule 1 for grilling or frying grass fed meats is “Don’t over cook”. Grass fed steaks should be rare to medium. If you want a well done steak, don’t spend the money to get premium grass fed meat.

Rule 2 is bring the meat to an even room temperature all the way through BEFORE cooking. Do this by setting it on the counter for an hour before cooking. Don’t try to grill right out of the fridge or freezer.

If you follow these 2 rules you will be successful. After that there are no rules.

Here are some additional ideas to try:

  • Tenderize using this top secret tip
  • Use medium high heat to sear/brown each side of the steak, about 1-2 minutes per side.
  • Season each side with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, or our favorite, Montreal Steak Seasoning.
  • Turn the heat down to low and cook for 8-10 minutes until steak reaches desired “doneness”.
  • If you have a favorite pre-cooking marinade, use it.
  • If you have a favorite post cooking sauce, use that.
Grilled Grass Fed Steak Dinner

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